The skill of POSITIVE INFLUENCE is about positively influencing the way others feel through problem solving, feedback, recognising, and supporting others’ work.
The core emotional intelligence competencies (in yellow) of the model below help us consistently demonstrate the productive being states on the right side (in white) of the model, as opposed to the unproductive being states on left side (grey) of the model that we can all be at times.

Positive influence is about positively influencing the way others feel through problem solving, feedback, recognising, and supporting others’ work. It involves creating a positive working environment for others; helping others find effective ways of responding to upsetting events; and effectively helping people resolve issues that are affecting their performance. This skill helps people create a productive environment for others. Positive Influence equips you with the capacity to encourage colleagues to cooperate and work effectively together. People who can positively influence others’ moods, feelings and emotions are empowering to work with and easily motivate those around them.
Positive influence is fundamentally about creating a productive environment for others; • Positive influence equips people with the capacity to encourage colleagues to cooperate and work effectively together.
Explore our programs and assessments for emotional intelligence