The skill of AUTHENTICITY is about openly and effectively expressing oneself, honouring commitments and encouraging this behaviour in others.
The core emotional intelligence competencies (in yellow) of the model below help us consistently demonstrate the productive being states on the right side ( in white) of the model, as opposed to the unproductive being states on left side (grey) of the model that we can all be at times.

Authenticity is about openly and effectively expressing oneself, honouring commitments and encouraging this behaviour in others. It involves honestly expressing specific feelings at work, such as happiness and frustration, providing feedback to colleagues about the way you feel, and sharing emotions at the right time, to the right degree and, to the right people. People high in authenticity are often described as ‘genuine’ whereas people low in this skill are often described as ‘untrustworthy’.
It helps people create understanding, openness and feelings of trust in others; • People who are guarded, avoid conflict, or are inappropriately blunt about the way they feel, can create mistrust, disharmony and misunderstandings with those around them.
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