Understanding The12 Factors In A Team And How To Propel The Team Forward.

Team building is much more than putting people together in a meeting to work on a project. The chemistry of the group will affect the outcome of the team’s efforts. The ability of a team to work effectively is greatly influenced by the individual characteristics or factors of the team members to create a powerful team synergy. ‘Team synergy’ means the interaction of two or more people to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

In managing a team, the more data available to help understand the characteristics of the Team Members and Team Leader, the more focused the management of that team.

There are 12 factors in a team, and team balance of these factors is important. When each of the twelve factors has at least one team member who is strong in that factor, the team is well balanced. When a factor is NOT well represented, the team leader should constantly be aware of this and compensate for it.

The 12 factors are:

1. Control

‘Control’ is defined as the tendency to take charge, to be assertive, and/or to take control of a situation.

Considerations for Leading the Team:

Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor are generally strong-willed people who can be demanding and firm when necessary. As you work with these team members, the following ideas should be considered:

• Help them develop a greater sensitivity toward people.
• Ask specific questions about their work and development.
• Use direct answers to their questions.
• Be clear and firm in setting limits.


‘Social’ is defined as the tendency to be outgoing, people-oriented, and extroverted.

Considerations for Leading the Team:

Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor are generally entertaining and make friends easily. As you work with these team members, the following ideas should be considered:

• Put details in writing.
• Be enthusiastic in your communications.
• Give them freedom to speak.
• Show them how improving their performance will gain them recognition from the team.


‘Patience’ is defined as the tendency to be tolerant and understanding of others.

Considerations for Leading the Team:

Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor are generally cooperative and good natured. As you work with these team members, the following ideas should be considered:

• Use an informal and methodical approach.
• Recognize consistent performance.
• Offer continuing support.
• Ask specific questions about how things will happen.


‘Precision’ is defined as the concern for accuracy, details, and exactness.

Considerations for Leading the Team:

Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor are generally thorough individuals who are patient with details. As you work with these team members, the following ideas should be considered:

• Let them have an occasion to be an expert and express their knowledge.
• Provide adequate information when discussing new ideas.
• Be specific and accurate.
• Be well prepared before initiating communications with them.


‘Ambition’ is defined as the tendency to be competitive, to have a desire to win, and to be aggressive.

Considerations for Leading the Team

Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor are generally persistent in pursuing personal goals. As you work with these team members, the following ideas should be considered:

• Be organised and have facts when you initiate communications.
• Be brief and to the point.
• Match with others who weigh pros and cons well.
• Help them to relax more and pace themselves.


‘Positive Expectancy’ is defined as the tendency to have a positive attitude regarding people and outcomes.

Considerations for Leading the Team

Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor are generally accepting and encouraging of others. As you work with these team members, the following ideas should be considered:

• Provide concrete ideas rather than dreams.
• Give them recognition.
• Provide support for their intentions.
• Help them develop goals and the action steps to reach them.


‘Composure’ is defined as the tendency to be easygoing and casual, to take things as they come.

Considerations for Leading the Team

Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor are generally accepting and encouraging of others. As you work with these team members, the following ideas should be considered:

• Help them develop assertive skills.
• Seek a firm commitment without pushing too hard.
• Use a logical presentation delivered gently.
• Do not switch them from task to task.


‘Analytical’ is defined as linking to identify and analyse problems.

Considerations for Leading the Team

As you work with these team members, the following ideas should be considered:

• Be clear in setting priorities.
• Approach them directly.
• Check key factors for understanding.
• Be conservative in your promises.


‘Results Orientation’ is defined as the concern for timely results and the tendency to be quick to take action.

Considerations for Leading the Team

Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor generally accept challenges easily. As you work with these team members, the following ideas should be considered:

• Present change in terms of its positive impact on their goals.
• Help them see how being a part of the team will help them get results.
• Give them challenging tasks to complete.
• Be clear and to the point in your communications.


‘Expressiveness’ is defined as the tendency to show emotions, to share feelings.

Considerations for Leading the Team

Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor generally accept challenges easily. As you work with the above listed team members, the following ideas should be considered:

• Establish a democratic relationship with them.
• Provide ideas for achieving action.
• Be casual in your communications.
• Allow them the chance to verbalise their feelings.


‘Team Player’ is defined as a preference to be a part of the team and to work with others.

Considerations for Leading the Team

Individuals who score moderately high to high in this factor are generally supportive and considerate of others. As you work with these team members, the following ideas should be considered:

• Use sincere statements to help build a relationship.
• Give them enough time to decide on changes.
• Be appreciative of their efforts.
• Provide frequent opportunities for informal discussions.


‘Quality Orientation’ is defined as a concern for standards and high-quality work.

Considerations for Leading the Team

• Use a thoughtful approach to planning.
• Acknowledge their competence.
• Set clear limits to their authority.
• Look at all sides of a problem with them.

Would you like to assess your team and discover the 12 factors on your team?

Have a look at the TEAM ANALYSIS assessment to help you as a team leader.


Marcus van Wyk