“Man is a multi-sensorial being; occasionally he verbalises.” – Ray Birdwhistell. Anthropologist.
Interpreting body language is a remarkable skill that will strengthen and reinforce anyone’s career and life. Body language is nonverbal communication (NVC), and must be studied like any other language. Whether you are in sales or general management or part of the larger workforce, it is essential to understand the body language of others and exactly what your own body is communicating.
Body language can be useful in sales persuasion and influence. Interviewing people for a job. Managing and motivational efforts. Workplace influence and social interaction.
About The Program
Through this workshop program, we will give you a set of body language skills and mechanisms to use to your advantage on a daily basis. The program will prepare you mentally to be aware of the body language of the people you meet. The program will show you what is and what is not body language. It will teach you how to define body language and recognise the common mistakes in interpreting body language. You will understand how body language makes up 55% of your message.
- Actual words – 7%
- Tone, Speed, Pitch – 38%
- Body Language – 55%
What You Will Learn
- Reading and applying Body Language in sales persuasion, the workplace, home and in a social environment.
- Communicating with Body Language.
- Common Mistakes in Body Language.
- Lying and Body Language.
- Understanding and improving your own Body Language.
- Syncing words to Body Language.
- Understand cultural differences.
- Lean about facial expression, and translating visible gestures into words.
- Learn about posture, and power dressing.
- Learn about subliminal mirroring.
- Learn about different hand shakes.
- Learn about closing a sale with Body Language.
- Learn about attraction and Body Language
Audience and Format
This program is suitable for all individuals who want to improve their personal and interpersonal skills and drive not only better personal or employee performance but also higher levels of employee engagement and success.
The facilitated program comes in the following formats:
- Conference themes. (Two hour, half day, or full-day program)
- Off and on-site workshop programs. (Half day, full day and two days advanced program)
The program consists of:
➢ Inspirational content.
➢ Participative methods.
➢ Experiential scenarios.
➢ Role-play based applications.
Need More Information?
Email: moreinfo@powerassessments.com
Call: +27 82 685 8896
Booking is essential.